If love happens in one place, it can happen everywhere. If you are truly capable of loving one person, you are capable of loving more than one, and eventually even your enemy, and finally all. Love is one piece. - Richard Rohr I’m watching the news. The report says the president of the United States is becoming more agitated and isolated. And people close to him say that it’s affecting his mood. Well, “DUH!” He is not built for isolation. No human being is.
It’s not good for anyone to be isolated or go at it alone. Just watch the hit movie Castaway to see what I mean. We need others, even if they can make us crazy sometimes. Adam had Eve. Jesus had the Twelve. Mary had Martha. Rowen had Martin. Dr. Jekyll had Mr. Hyde. And if of course my wife has me. We were not designed to be alone. Not as people or countries. On the practical side individuals need one another to to accomplish stuff. For example an inventor needs widgets which requires a widget maker. The widget maker needs a driver to distribute the widgets. And the driver needs an infrastructure built and so on... Countries need each other too for the same reasons. Economy and stability rely on individuals coming together for a greater or even common good. This is not about political or national isolationism but about a common community for us all to thrive in. However, I feel isolationism has its limits and breaking point too. Community is a core message in the Bible. Richard Rohr writes, “ The gospel cannot happen in your head alone,” because life is all about relationship. We all need at least one place in our life to share love outside of our selves. “Is there at least one place in your life we are giving and receiving love?” Rohr asks. It could be in your home, at your work, in a a class or a social club you belong to. That place is your community. That is the place you are able to experience the meaning of life: love. Technology and social media can be a means for people to withdraw from community but one could argue an online community is better than none at all. After all, Rohr points out, “If love happens in one place, iit can happen everywhere. If you are truly capable of loving one person, you are capable of loving more than one, and eventually even your enemy, and finally all. Love is one piece.” Such love or community begins with each one of us recognizing that we are loved. God began by loving us, and come to be with us so we could learn how to love and be with one another. But it’s up to us to pay that gift forward; teaching others to do the same by the example we set. The love of God is everywhere. But you first have to go out there if you wish to find it.
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Ian MacdonaldAn ex-copywriter turned punk rock pastor and peacemaker who dedicates his life to making the world a better place for all humanity. "that they all might be one" ~John 17:21“Prius vita quam doctrina.”
~ St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) * “Life is more important than doctrine.”
October 2024