As I was dropping off some toys and clothes to a local shelter, a young man asked if he could help me. (His name was Alex.) I said, yes. I could use the help. (It was pouring down rain, and cold. Two things I am still not used to having lived in Los Angeles the last 22 years of my life.) We loaded up our arms with bags of stuff and exchanged a few words. (mostly about the weather) Then he said this, "It's nice to give. Giving is one of God's best gifts. But I have finally learned how to accept. When someone feels blessed to give something to me, I learned how to accept it and say thank you." (weird, kinda) We shook hands. And I said, Have a great day, Alex. And he said, I hope you have a great day too, Ian. Life is weird, simple, yet weird.
Giving is one of God's best gifts. But for most of us, especially this time of year, it's pretty easy to do. We've been taught to give, to help others, and all that. Sadly, it's usually on our terms. God gave us the gift to give ourselves for others. But when someone wants to give back or simply just give out of the goodness of their heart, why is it so hard to just accept and say thank you? Thank you, Alex for that thought today.
How much longer will we pit money over human lives? I do not know enough of the story to get too political here, but it's safe to say that people will resort to desperate mesures to feed their hungry children. All she wanted was food stamps to feed her kids. Instead, she put a bullet through them and herself. And what does media focus on? *#cking Facebook postings!!!! How to treat your enemy is one of the hardest things for us to live up to. But sometimes, sitting down and breaking bread with someone you hate, will open the door to learning (and listening) on how to love them instead. This was on NPR: A Victim Treats Mugger RightJulio Diaz ends his daily subway commute one stop early, just so he can eat at his favorite diner. One evening, his routine was broken when a teenage mugger took his wallet at knifepoint. But neither of them could have predicted what happened next. Exiting my final exam this morning, I walked out into the fresh air and was kissed by the most beautiful ray of sunshine. It was warm and melting. If that wasn't enough to fill my heart with joy, what I heard next nearly made me explode.
"Would you like a free donut as part of our Random Acts of Christmas Kindness Day?" At Central Ave Church, they kicked off the Christmas season by counting down the 25 days before Christmas by performing Random Acts of Kindness. Once a day until Christmas. They are doing it to help remind people that we are all God's children and we all need blessings and we all deserve a seat at the table. This is a good tradition to start. Maybe not for Christmas, maybe instead for your birthday or in memory of someone. You pick. You do. The World needs more goodness in the world. Thank you for providing me with empty calories and a fullness of love. I've been locked away in a study fury that has taken me away from my family and friends. While I have taken the time to break bread with my family, I still feel like I am not treating them in a way that would represent my best.
By that I mean, I emerged from my basement office only to find an empty house and a half eaten donut on the counter. Since no one was home to challenge me for it, I figured it was mine for the taking. A few hours later, my son comes home..."Hey, where's my donut? Daddy!?" As a random act of kindness, I woke up the next morning and drove him to get a donut. He didn't remember, or he didn't care. I think he just like going somewhere with his dad who has been locked away for weeks studying and writing papers on how to be a good person who shows Christ love to all. |
Ian MacdonaldAn ex-copywriter turned punk rock pastor and peacemaker who dedicates his life to making the world a better place for all humanity. "that they all might be one" ~John 17:21“Prius vita quam doctrina.”
~ St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) * “Life is more important than doctrine.”
October 2024