"The tiny seed knew that in order to grow, it needed to be dropped in dirt, covered in darkness, and struggle to reach the light."
-excerpt from a desk calendar; Wed. May 6, 2015 So much of life is in this struggle to find light to grow. Yet far too often we overlook the necessity and beauty of darkness. Therefore, we do not truly comprehend its importance in finding balance in our life. If you have ever felt like you are "in a hole," then you know how difficult it can be to find the light to guide you out of it. I imagine this is a struggle we all will face at least once in our life. If it has already happened to you, then you know it can seem like you are being buried alive, or that you are trapped with no way out. You will fight it. And perhaps do or say anything to abandon it, even if it means digging yourself deeper into the abyss. Is this a bad thing? Let's not forget it is from holes that oil is found, diamonds and other precious gems are mined, and mountains continue to spring forth. The deeper we dig, the more stuff we find. Contrary to popular opinion, I believe we need to embrace these dark holes in our lives for what they really are. We need to take the time to be in it in order to see a world that is fully thriving. After all, a plant doesn't abandon the darkness and dirt after it is seeded, instead it spreads itself out both upward and downward. For a plant to thrive, it needs both the dark soil and the bright light. So to do human beings; especially if we are going to grow strong and bear good fruit. We too must struggle and grow both ways. This is a delicate balance of life in which we all seem to struggle with. Too often we forget that without a strong root system (buried deep underground) a tree would not be able to withstand the wind or soil erosion. Human beings are no different. Without the hidden strength found in darkness, we might not be so good at handling pressures that seek to knock us down. We must realize that the roots of life constantly feed and nourish itself by digging more holes in the soil. The darkness below is just as important as the light above. Once we understand what's inside the darkness, then we can begin to see the darkness for its truth and beauty. And this helps us also to see the light for what it truly is. Comments are closed.
Ian MacdonaldAn ex-copywriter turned punk rock pastor and peacemaker who dedicates his life to making the world a better place for all humanity. "that they all might be one" ~John 17:21“Prius vita quam doctrina.”
~ St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) * “Life is more important than doctrine.”
October 2024