Today is Holy Thursday which represents the last day Jesus spent with his 12, breaking bread and sharing wine. At their Passover meal, Jesus revealed that one of his chosen would betray him. He knew who it was, but the others did not. During the meal, Jesus strips off his cloak and tunic, pours water into a basin, and begins to wash the feet of his disciples. Including Judas Iscariot, the betrayer. What I find most interesting is this, that Jesus knew Judas was going to betray him, have him handed over to face a violent death on a Roman cross. Yet still, he stooped at the disciples feet and washed them. He humbled himself before those who should be serving him, and served instead them. In a world of violence such as ours today, in a world where human life is eliminated or marginalized for absurd reasons, what are we called to do? Are we called to retaliate, or vendicate, or judge, or ignore, or demand from others what we think we are entitled to receive? Jesus says to his disciples, whose very dirty feet he was washing, "For I gave you an example that you also should do as I did to you" (John 13:15). Whether or not you believe he is the Son of Man or the Son of God or God or just plainly a man, the example he set is an example to live by. Who are you willing to serve? If it is someone you know, than serve them without any expectations of receiving something in return. If it is a stranger, make sure you serve them with your heart to help bring a little gentle peace into a violent world.
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Ian MacdonaldAn ex-copywriter turned punk rock pastor and peacemaker who dedicates his life to making the world a better place for all humanity. "that they all might be one" ~John 17:21“Prius vita quam doctrina.”
~ St. Thomas Aquinas (1225–1274) * “Life is more important than doctrine.”
October 2024